一、 基本信息
E-mail: yyj108@ahut.edu.cn
二、 教育背景
1、2011-2015 广西大学 安全工程专业 学士
2、2018-2019 Technical University of Denmark, Department of Civil Engineering, Joint PhD
3、2015-2020 重庆大学 安全科学与工程 博士
4、2020-至今 安徽工业大学mg4355vip检测中心
5、2022-至今 University of Exeter, Department of Earth and Environment Science, Research Fellow
担任Electrochimica Acta, Chemical Engineering Journal, Global Journal of Ecology, Molecules等国际期刊审稿人
英国研究与创新署-国家自然环境研究基金(UK Research and Innovation-Natural Environmental research fund)(NE/W006820/1),子项目主研
Global Talent, endorsed by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).
[1] Y. Yan, Z. Ling, W. Shu, T. Huang, R. Crane, Chromium removal from contaminated soil using a novel FeOx/granular activated carbon-based three-dimensional electrokinetic system, Chemical Engineering Journal. 455 (2023) 140613.
[2] Y. Yan, G.M. Kirkelund, Graphite particles as third electrodes to enhance metal removal and energy saving in a stationary electrodialytic soil system, Electrochimoca Acta. 407 (2022) 139896.
[3] Y. Zheng, L. Yu, Y. Yan, H. Li, Q. Yu, B. Jiao, D. Li, Rapid Cr(VI) reduction structure in chromium contaminated soil: The UV-assisted electrokinetic circulation of background iron, Science of the Total Environment. 822 (2022) 153508.
[4] Huiwen Zhang, Runhao Zhang, Wenya Li, Wen Shu, Jiangya Ma, Yujie Yan*, Agricultural waste-derived biochars from co-hydrothermal gasification of rice husk and chicken manure and their adsorption performance for dimethoate, Journal of Hazardous Materials. (2022) 128248.
[5] H. Zhang, R. Zhang, Z. Ling, W. Li, Y. Yan, M. Gong, J. Ma, Partial oxidation of phenolic wastewater using NaOH and Ni addition for hydrogen production and phenolics degradation in supercritical water, Separation and Purification Technology. 268 (2021) 118685.
[6] Q. Yu, Y. Yan, H. Lin, H. Li, Y. Zheng, B. Jiao, L. Yu, D. Li, Biosurfactants enhanced electrokinetic treatment of Cr from chromite ore processing residue based on chemical fractions, Journal of Water Process Engineering. 36 (2020).
[7] Y. Zheng, Y. Yan, L. Yu, H. Li, B. Jiao, Y.C. Shiau, D. Li, Synergism of citric acid and zero-valent iron on Cr(VI) removal from real contaminated soil by electrokinetic remediation, Environmental Science and Pollution. Research. 27 (2020) 5572–5583.
[8] C. Han, H. Li, Y. Yan, L. Yu, H. Lin, X. Huang, B.Jiao, Y. Shiau, D. Li, Effect of Different Pretreatment Solutions on Electrokinetic Remediation of Heavy Metals from Municipal Solid Waste, International Journal of Electrochemical Science. 15 (2020) 8694–8709.
[9] X. Yu, F. Muhammad, Y. Yan, L. Yu, H. Li, X. Huang, B. Jiao, N. Lu, D. Li, Effect of chemical additives on electrokinetic remediation of Cr-contaminated soil coupled with a permeable reactive barrier, Royal Society Open Science. 6 (2019).
[10] Y. Yan, H. Li, X. Yu, S. Li, X. Huang, D. Li, B. Jiao, Efficient removal of chromium from soil in a modified electrokinetic system using iron-treated activated carbon as third electrode, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 101 (2019) 15–23.
[11] Y. Yan, F. Xue, F. Muhammad, L. Yu, F. Xu, B. Jiao, Y. Shiau, D. Li, Application of iron-loaded activated carbon electrodes for electrokinetic remediation of chromium-contaminated soil in a three-dimensional electrode system, Scientific Reports. 8 (2018).
[12] H. Li, F. Muhammad, Y. Yan, M. Zhang, B. Jiao, L. Yu, D. Li, Electrokinetic remediation of heavy metals from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash pretreated by nitric acid, Royal Society Open Science. 5 (2018).
[13] F. Xue, Y. Yan, M. Xia, F. Muhammad, L. Yu, F. Xu, Y.C. Shiau, D. Li, B. Jiao, Electro-kinetic remediation of chromium-contaminated soil by a three-dimensional electrode coupled with a permeable reactive barrier, RSC Advances. 7 (2017) 54797–54805.
[14] S. Li, S. Guo, X. Huang, T. Huang, I. Bibi, F. Muhammad, G. Xu, Z. Zhao, L. Yu, Y. Yan, B. Jiao, N.K. Niazi, D. Li, Research on characteristics of heavy metals (As, Cd, Zn) in coal from Southwest China and prevention method by using modified calcium-based materials, Fuel. 186 (2016) 714–725.
[15] X. Huang, T. Huang, S. Li, F. Muhammad, G. Xu, Z. Zhao, L. Yu, Y. Yan, D. Li, B. Jiao, Immobilization of chromite ore processing residue with alkali-activated blast furnace slag-based geopolymer, Ceramics International. 42 (2016) 9538–9549.