安徽省高校优青,安徽工业大学青年拔尖人才。美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校访问学者,中国腐蚀与防护学会缓蚀剂与水处理专委会、腐蚀电化学与测试方法专委会、建筑工程专委会委员,中国腐蚀与防护学会、国际仿生工程学会、香港机械工程师协会会员,镇江市化工产业专家库专家,教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心论文评审/抽检专家。SCI期刊《Frontiers in Materials》专刊主编,《稀有金属》、《中国腐蚀与防护学报》、《材料保护》、《安徽工业大学学报(自然科学版)》等期刊青年编委,多次参加国际国内学术会议并做口头报告。发表学术论文70余篇,其中高被引论文2篇,公开发明专利8项,主持国家自然科学基金、省高校优青、省科技厅、省教育厅、省住建厅等纵向项目9项,重大产学研项目1项,参与国家重点研发、重大专项、国家基金重点项目、安徽省杰青等项目4项,获安徽省教学成果特等奖、中国建材联合会科技二等奖各1项。
1、国际仿生工程学会会员(No. PM574)
2、香港机械工程师协会会员(No. m20160628001)
3、中国腐蚀与防护学会会员(No. E340607167M)
1、 国家重点研发计划项目
2、 国家重点研发计划课题
3、 国家自然科学基金重点项目
4、 JKW项目
5、 国家自然科学基金面上项目
[71] G.Y. Xu*, M.H. Shan, H.J. Chen, Y.T. Cao, P. Nie, T.F. Xiang*, C.Y. Dang, M.G. Stapelberg, D.Y. Zhu*, M.F. Zhu,Recycling of chicken feathers. Carbon Neutralization, 2024.
[70] W. Tong, M.M. Han, C. Ma, Z. Wu, N. Wang, N. Du*, T.F. Xiang*, J.S. Zhu*.Empowering Photovoltaic Panel Anti-Icing: Superhydrophobic Organic Composite Coating with In Situ Photothermal and Transparency. ACS Appl. Mater. Interface. 2024, 16, 24, 31567–31575.
[69] Y.S. Li, Z.Y. Guo, H. Zhi, Y.J. Qiang*, X.Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, Y. Wan, T.F. Xiang*, X.H. Li*,Experimental and computational exploration of the biodegradable platanus acerifolia leaf extract against mild steel corrosion in hydrochloric acid. J. Mater. Res. Technol. 2024, 30, 7830-7842.
[68] Y.J. Lv, K.J. Zhang, J.F. Qu, K. Yin, C. Yang, H.B. Zheng*, T.F. Xiang*.Study on physicochemical and anti-corrosion performance of methylsiloxane-based hydrophobic powder modified mortar. Constr. Build. Mater. 2024, 425, 135999.
[67] J.W. Li, Z. Zhou, P. Wang*, C.Y. Wang, T.F. Xiang, S.X. Yao, D. Zhang.Collaborative Optimization Design of Self-Powered Sterilizer with Highly Efficient Synergistic Antibacterial Effect. ACS Appl. Mater. Interface. 2024, 16, 16232–16242.
[66] J.W. Li, Y.T. Peng, P. Wang*, C.Y. Wang, J. Zhang, T.F. Xiang, S.X. Yao, D. Zhang. Enhancing the Output Performance of Triboelectric Nanogenerator Through Regulation of its Internal Nano-Architecture. Small. 2024, 2400041.
[65] L.J. Cui, T.F. Xiang*, B.J. Hu, Y.J. Lv, H. Rong*, D.E. Liu, S.Q. Zhang, M.L. Guo, Z. Lv, D.P. Chen*.Design of monolithic superhydrophobic concrete with excellent anti-corrosion and self-cleaning properties. Colloids and Surfaces A. 2024, 685, 133345.
[64] T.F. Xiang, X.X. Chen, Z.Q. Guo, J.Q. Wang, L.J. Cui, Y.J. Qiang*, S.H Zhang*,Robust solid slippery surface for anti-corrosion: Experimental and simulation. Prog. Org. Coat. 2024, 188, 108250.
[63] W.Y. Jiang, C.J. Chen*, C.Y. Wang, J.W. Li, M.M. Zhao, T.F. Xiang, P. Wang*. Design of triboelectric nanogenerators featuring motion form conversion, motion rectification, and frequency multiplication for low-frequency ocean energy harvesting. Energ. Environ. Sci. 2023, DOI: 10.1039/d3ee02688d.
[62] J.Q. Wang, L.J. Cui, B. Chen*, X.X. Chen, Z. Lv*, D.P. Chen, Y.J. Qiang, T.F. Xiang*. Corrosion inhibition effect of sycamore leaf extract on copper in H2SO4 solution. J. Mater. Res. Technol. 2023, 26, 6689-6702.
[61] B.Y. Ran, Z.Y. Guo, Y.L. Zhang, Y.J. Qiang*, J.C. Wang, B.M. Fan*, T.F. Xiang*. The new insights towards smart pH-responsive anticorrosion coating based on HNTs carrying synergistic inhibitors: Experimental and molecular simulation. Prog. Org. Coat. 2023, 185, 107933.
[60] T.F. Xiang*, L.J. Cui, D.P. Chen. Bio-Inspired Strategy for Concrete Anti-Corrosion. 2023. ISBN13: 9781668476895|ISBN10: 1668476894|EISBN13: 9781668476901. DOI:10.4018/978-1-6684-7689-5.ch007(IGI-Global 出版社英文专著).
[59] Z. Lv, M.Y. Shi, J. Yuan*, D.P. Chen, M.L. Guo, T.F. Xiang, H.S. Chen. A probability characteristic of crack intersecting with embedded microcapsules in capsule-based self-healing materials. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials. 2023, 30, 20220207.
[58] 项腾飞, 任黄威, 周军, 张世宏*. 磁场对钕铁硼表面电沉积Ni镀层性能的影响. 表面技术. 2023. (已录用)
[57] Q.S. He*, Q.Y. Zhong, Z. Sun, H.R. Zhang, Z.J. Zhao, Z.Y. Shi, X.F. Liu, Z.F. Zhao, J. Lu, Y.Z. Ye, Y.F. Wang, Y. Li, T.F. Xiang, J. Zhao*, Y.N. Xie*. Highly stretchable, repeatable, and easy-to-prepare ionogel based on polyvinyl chloride for wearable strain sensors. Nano Energy 2023, 113, 108535.
[56] L.J. Cui, X.X Chen, J.Q. Wang, Y.J. Qiang*, D.P. Chen, T.F. Xiang*. Facile preparation of monolithic superhydrophobic concrete with excellent anti-corrosion property. Mater. Lett. 2023, 344, 134441.
[55] W. Dong*, Q.D. Gao, S.A. Zhou, G. Tang, T.F. Xiang, T.J. Chun, K. Zhang, H.M. Long*, F.P. Qian*, G. Li. Ultra-Superhydrophobic MOFs Coated on Polydopamine-Modified Polyethylene Terephthalate for Efficient Removal of Particulate Matter. Chem. Eng. J. 2023, 466, 143083.
[54] 董伟, 周士安, 唐刚, 项腾飞, 龙红明, 丁磊, 张奎, 钱付平*, 李刚. 超疏水Ti-MOF涂覆PET复合滤料用于细颗粒物高效去除. 中国环境科学. 2023, 43, 2171-2181.
[53] T.F. Xiang, X.X. Chen, Z. Lv, W. Tong, J. Cao, Y.Z. Shen, B.K. Liao*, Y.N. Xie, S.H. Zhang*. Stable Photothermal Solid Slippery Surface with Enhanced Anti-icing and De-icing Properties. Appl. Sur. Sci. 2023, 624, 157178.
[52] Q.W. Liu*, X. Liu, R. Chen, Z.Y. Kong*, T.F. Xiang. Experimental Study on Anchoring Performance of Short-Lapped-Rebar Splices with Pre-Set Holes and Spiral Hoops. Metals. 2023, 13(3), 530.
[51] T.F. Xiang, Y.L. Zhang, L.J. Cui, J.Q. Wang, D.P. Chen*, S.L. Zheng*, Yujie Qiang*. Synergistic inhibition of benzotriazole and sodium D-gluconate on steel corrosion in simulated concrete pore solution. Colloids and Surfaces A. 2023, 661, 130918.
[50] 崔琳晶, 陈德鹏, 吕忠, 项腾飞*. 超疏水混凝土的制备及应用于防腐防冰领域的研究进展. 功能材料. 2023, 6(54): 6066-6079.
[49] 任黄威, 廖伯凯, 崔琳晶, 项腾飞*. 液膜厚度对固态超滑表面在薄液膜下腐蚀行为的影响. 中国腐蚀与防护学报. 2023, 43(4): 862-870 (曹楚南科教基金优秀论文专栏).
[48] 吕忠, 刘子言, 宋奕昊, 项腾飞, 郭明磊, 陈德鹏. 多孔轻骨料自修复水泥基材料研究进展. 功能材料, 2022, 10 (53) 10062-10070.
[47] 曹俊, 吕忠, 任黄威, 项腾飞*. 超疏水防冰表面研究进展. 材料研究与发展. 2022. DOI: 10.57237/j.mater.2022.01.002.
[46] J. Cao, Z. Lv*, B.K. Liao*, D.P. Chen, W. Tong, Z.F. Zong, C. Li, T.F. Xiang*. In-situ fabrication of superhydrophobic surface on copper with excellent anti-icing and anti-corrosion properties. Mater. Today Commun. 2022, 104633.
[45] 任黄威, 周军, 宗志芳, 项腾飞*. 电流密度对烧结钕铁硼电镀镍性能的影响. 电镀与涂饰, 2022, 41(13) 912-916.
[44] B.K. Liao*, H.Y. Chen, T.F. Xiang, H.F. Dai, H.X. Wu, S. Wan, X.P. Guo. Functionalized Nanocomposites as Corrosion Inhibitors. ISBN13: 9780841297593. eISBN: 9780841297586. (ACS出版社英文专著)
[43] Y.L. Zhang, Yujie Qiang*, H.W. Ren, J. Cao, L.J. Cui, Z.F. Zong, D.P. Chen*, T.F. Xiang*. Inhibitor loaded functional HNTs modified coatings towards corrosion protection in reinforced concrete environment. Prog. Org. Coat. 2022, 170, 106971.
[42] 魏菲菲, 项腾飞*,刘剑, 吕忠, 周殷康, 宗志芳, 陈德鹏*. 电沉积-水热法构建超疏水表面及其自清洁和防结冰性能. 电镀与涂饰. 2022,41(07),502-510.
[41] T.F. Xiang, H.W. Ren, Y.L. Zhang, Y.J. Qiang*, Y. Yang, C. Li, P. Wang*, S.H. Zhang*. Rational design of PDMS/paraffin infused surface with enhanced corrosion resistance and interface erosion mechanism. Mater. Des. 2022, 215, 110450.
[40] Y.J. Qiang, H. Zhi, L. Guo, A.Q. Fu, T.F. Xiang, Y. Jin. Experimental and molecular modeling studies of multi-active tetrazole derivative bearing sulfur linker for protecting steel from corrosion. J. Mol. Liq. 2022, 351, 118638. (高被引论文)
[39] W. Dong, S.A. Zhou, F.P. Qian, Q. Li, G. Tang, T.F. Xiang, H.M. Long, T.J. Chun, J.L. Lu, Y.L. Han. Low-temperature silane coupling agent modified biomimetic micro/nanoscale roughness hierarchical structure superhydrophobic polyethylene terephthalate filter media. Polym. Adv. Technol. 2022.
[38] T.F. Xiang*, J. Liu, Z. Lv, F.F. Wei, Q.W. Liu, Y.L. Zhang, H.W. Ren, S.C. Zhou, D.P. Chen*. The effect of silicon-based water proof agent on the wettability of superhydrophobic concrete and enhanced corrosion resistance. Constr. Build. Mater. 2021, 313, 125482.
[37] L. Song, H.Y. Fan, T. Wang, T.F. Xiang, M.D. Zhang, C.G. Hu, W. Zhou, J.P. He. Facile synthesis of Co, N enriched carbon nanotube and active site identifications for bifunctional oxygen reduction and evolution catalysis. Energy Storage Materials. 2021. DOI:10.1016/j.ensm.2021.09.009.
[36] S.L. Zheng, C. Li, Y.P. Zhang, T.F. Xiang, Y. Cao, Q.L. Li, Z. Chen. A General Strategy towards Superhydrophobic Self-Cleaning and Anti-Corrosion Metallic Surfaces: An Example with Aluminum Alloy. Coatings. 2021, 11, 788.
[35] W. Dong, F.P. Qian, Q. Li, G. Tang, T.F. Xiang, T.J. Chun, J.L. Lu, Y. L. Han, Y.J. Xia, J. Hu. Fabrication of superhydrophobic PET filter material with fluorinated SiO2 nanoparticles via simple sol–gel process. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2021: 1-14.
[34] 胡敏, 项腾飞, 陈德鹏, 高恒昌. 泡沫混凝土的抗氯离子渗透性能研究. 安徽工业大学学报(自然科学版), 2020,37(01):80-86.
[33] W.G. Dong, C.L. Liu, X.B. Bao, T.F. Xiang, D.P. Chen, Advances in the Deformation and Failure of Concrete Pavement under Coupling Action of Moisture, Temperature, and Wheel Load. Materials, 2020, 13(23): 5530.
[32] W. Dong, F.P. Qian, Q. Li, T.F. Xiang, T.J. Chun, J.L. Lu, Y. L. Han, Y.J. Xia, J. Hu. Preparation and properties of polyethylene terephthalate filter material with superhydrophobic surface. 复合材料学报, 2020, 37(12): 3017-3025.
[31] T.F. Xiang*, J. Liu, Q.W. Liu, F.F. Wei, Z. Lv, Y. Yang, L.P. Shi, C. Li, D.P. Chen*, G.Y. Xu*. Self-healing solid slippery surface with porous structure and enhanced corrosio resistance. Chem. Eng. J. 2021, 417, 128083.
[30] W. Dong, L. Yang, F.P. Qian, Z. Lv, C.H. Wu, T.F. Xiang*, D.P. Chen*. Sandwiched meshes with superwettability for oil/water separation and heavy metal ion absorption. Asia-Pac J Chem Eng. 2020.
[29] D.P Chen, Q.L. Zhu, Z.F. Zong, T.F. Xiang, C.L. Liu. The Linear Hygroscopic Expansion Coefficient of Cement-Based Materials and Its Determination. Materials, 2020, 13(1): 37.
[28] D.P Chen, J.J. Zou, L. Zhao, S.D. Xu, T.F. Xiang, C.L. Liu. Degradation of Dynamic Elastic Modulus of Concrete under Periodic Temperature-Humidity Action. Materials, 2020, 13(3): 611.
[27] T.F. Xiang*, Z. Lv, F. F. Wei, J. Liu, W. Dong, C. Li, Y.X. Zhao, C. Li, D.P. Chen*. Superhydrophobic civil engineering materials: A review from recent developments. Coatings, 2019, 9(11): 753.
[26] T.F. Xiang*, D.P. Chen, Z. Lv, Z.Y. Yang, L. Yang, C. Li. Robust superhydrophobic coating with superior corrosion resistance. J. Alloys Compd., 798 (2019) 320-325.
[25] 项腾飞, 郑顺丽, 李澄. 仿生超疏水技术用于航空材料领域防腐的研究现状及展望. 航空制造技术,6 (2018) 16-25. 特约综述. (http://manu37.magtech.com.cn/hkzzjs/EN/abstract/abstract3584.shtml)
[24] T.F. Xiang, S.L. Zheng, M. Zhang, H.R. Sadig, C. Li. Bio-inspired slippery zinc phosphate coating for sustainable corrosion protection. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 6 (2018) 10960-10968.
[23] T.F. Xiang, M. Zhang, H.R. Sadig, Z.C. Li, M.X. Zhang, C.D. Dong, L. Yang, W.M. Chan, C. Li. Slippery liquid-infused porous surface for corrosion protection with self-healing property. Chem. Eng. J., 345 (2018) 147-155.
[22] T.F. Xiang, Y. Han, Z.Q. Guo, R. Wang, S.L. Zheng, S. Li, C. Li, X.M. Dai. Fabrication of inherent anticorrosion superhydrophobic surfaces on metals. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 6 (2018) 5598-5606.
[21] T.F. Xiang, M.X. Zhang, C. Li, C.D. Dong, L. Yang, W.M. Chan. CeO2 modified SiO2 acted as additive in electrodeposition of Zn-Ni alloy coating with enhanced corrosion resistance. J. Alloys Compd., 736 (2018) 62-70.
[20] C.D. Dong, M.X. Zhang, T.F. Xiang, L. Yang, W.M. Chan, C. Li. Novel self-healing anticorrosion coating based on L-valine and MBT-loaded halloysite nanotubes. J. Mater. Sci., 53 (2018) 7793–7808.
[19] H.R. Sadig, Cheng Li, T.F. Xiang. Using sol-gel supported by novel economic and environment-friendly spraycoating in the fabrication of nanostructure tri-system metal oxide-based pH sensor applications. J. Electroanal. Chem., 827 (2018) 93-102.
[18] H.R. Sadig, Cheng Li, T.F. Xiang. Synthesis of tetra-metal oxide system based pH sensor via branched cathodic electrodeposition on different substrates. Arab. J. Chem. (2018).
[17] W. Hu, C. Li, S.L. Zheng, T.F. Xiang, P.J. Liu, S.B. Ding. Synthesis of nickel-Al2O3 nanopowders and the research of their low dielectric constant properties. Mater. Sci. Forum, 916 (2018) 101-106.
[16] 张曼昕, 项腾飞, 董春栋, 杨玲, 蝉文明, 赵颖轩, 李澄. 基于硅烷改性沸石咪唑酯骨架的透明超疏水涂层的制备及性能研究(英文). 电镀与涂饰,37 (2018).
[15] 杨玲, 李澄, 张曼昕, 董春栋, 项腾飞, 蝉文明, 胡玮, 梁娟. 对类水滑石材料在近红外和远红外区域的伪装隐身的研究. 红外技术, 40 (2018) 915-922.
[14] T.F. Xiang, S.B. Ding, C. Li, S.L. Zheng, W. Hu, J. Wang, P.J. Liu. Effect of current density on wettability and corrosion resistance of superhydrophobic nickel coating deposited on low carbon steel. Mater. Des., 114 (2017) 65-72.
[13] T.F. Xiang, M.X. Zhang, C. Li, S.L. Zheng, S.B. Ding, J. Wang, C.D. Dong, L. Yang. A facile method for fabrication of superhydrophobic surface with controllable water adhesion and its applications. J. Alloys Compd., 704 (2017) 170-179.
[12] T.F. Xiang, S.B. Ding, C. Li, S.L. Zheng, M.X. Zhang, W. Hu, J. Wang. Fabrication of superhydrophobic Ni-SiO2 nanocomposite coating with excellent corrosion resistance on mild steel. Key Eng. Mater., 719 (2017) 14-19.
[11] J. Wang, L. Liu, C. Li, T.F. Xiang, S.L. Zheng, S.B. Ding, P.J. Liu. The study for formation mechanism of spectral red edge of green vegetation. Spectrosc. Spect. Anal., 37 (2017) 3940-3946.
[10] S.B. Ding, T.F. Xiang, C. Li, S.L. Zheng, J. Wang, M.X. Zhang, C.D. Dong, W.M. Chan. Fabrication of self-cleaning super-hydrophobic nickel/graphene hybrid film with improved corrosion resistance on mild steel. Mater. Des., 117 (2017) 280–288.
[9] 王晶, 李澄, 刘朗, 郑顺丽, 项腾飞, 杨玲. 绿色植被近红外光谱模拟材料的设计及应用. 光学学报, 37 (2017) 0230004.
[8] 郑顺丽, 李澄, 项腾飞, 胡玮, 丁诗炳, 王晶, 刘盼金. 阳极氧化法制备铝基超疏水涂层及其稳定性和耐蚀性的研究. 材料工程, 45 (2017) 71-78.
[7] 丁诗炳, 项腾飞, 李澄, 郑顺丽, 王绮 杜梦萍. 两步法制备超疏水耐蚀镍镀层. 中国腐蚀与防护学报, 36 (2016) 450-456.
[6] S.L. Zheng, C. Li, Q.F. Fu, W. Hu , T.F. Xiang, Q. Wang, M.P. Du, X.C. Liu, Z. Chen. Development of stable superhydrophobic coatings on aluminum surface for corrosion-resistant, self-cleaning, and anti-icing applications. Mater. Des., 93 (2016) 261–270. (高被引论文)
[5] S.L. Zheng, C. Li, Q.T. Fu, T.F. Xiang, W. Hu, J. Wang, S.B. Ding, P.J. Liu, Z. Chen. Fabrication of a micro-nanostructured superhydrophobic aluminum surface with excellent corrosion resistance and anti-icing performance. RSC Adv., 6 (2016) 79389-79400.
[4] 焦亚萍, 项腾飞, 梅天庆, 任春春. 除油和蚀刻对ITO导电玻璃化学镀镍的影响. 电镀与精饰, 37 (2015) 35-39.
[3] 杜梦萍, 李澄, 郑顺丽, 项腾飞, 丁诗炳, 王绮. 有机缓蚀剂对阳极箔直流扩面增容的影响. 南京航空航天大学学报, 47 (2015) 725-729.
[2] 项腾飞, 焦亚萍, 梅天庆, 李桂麟. 纳米SiO2对锌-镍合金镀层耐蚀性的影响. 电镀与精饰, 37 (2015) 28-32.
[1] 项腾飞, 任春春, 梅天庆, 焦亚萍, 王祥宁. 不溶性阳极用于碱性镀锡的研究. 电镀与精饰, 36 (2014) 14-17.
[2] 一种固态超滑表面的构建方法 中国专利ZL 2022 1 1023236.8.
[3] 一种金属表面防结冰的超疏水涂层及其制备方法 中国专利 ZL 2021 1 0728231.4.
[4] 一种金属铜表面原位构建的防结冰超疏水涂层、制备方法及其应用 中国专利ZL 2022 1 0021714.5.