姓名: 项国圣
学位: 博士
职称: 副教授
电话: 18325556616
E-mail: xianggsh2011@163.com
1、本科: 兰州大学
2、硕士: 兰州大学
3、博士: 上海交通大学
安徽省岩石力学与工程学会会员,Engineering Geology、Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment、Clays and Clay Minerals等国际知名期刊审稿人
1.国家自然科学基金青年项目,41702311,基于表面分形理论的热-盐作用下膨润土膨胀规律及计算模型研究,2018.01- 2020.12,结题,主持
2.安徽省自然科学基金青年项目,1708085QE99,基于分形模型的盐溶液作用下膨润土膨胀特性理论研究,2017.07- 2019.06,结题,主持
3.碱溶液侵蚀作用下高庙子膨润土膨胀性能及其本构模型,2019M660096 中国博士后基金面上项目(一等资助),2020-2022,在研,主持
[1] Xiang Guosheng; Ye Weimin; Jalal Fazal E.; Hu Zhijie ; Shear strength of bentonite saturated with saline solutions containing different cations, Engineering Geology, 2022, 298: 106537.
[2] Xiang, Guo-sheng, Wei-min Ye, Fazal E. Jalal. Shear strength of bentonite–sand mixture saturated with saline solution. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2021, 80(23): 1-8.
[3] Xiang Guosheng, Ye, Weimin, Zhou Yinkang, Jalal, F. E.Combined effects of temperature and salt solution on swelling of GMZ01 bentonite-sand mixtures. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021, 1-12.
[5] 项国圣, 吕立勇, 葛磊, 周殷康, 谢胜华. 温度对GMZ 膨润土的膨胀性能影响研究. 岩土工程学报, 2021, 43(1): 77-84.
[6] Xiang Guosheng, Ye Weimin, Xu Yonngfu, Falal E. Jalal. Swelling deformation of Na-bentonite in solutions containing different cations. Engineering Geology, 2020, 277:105757.
[7] Xiang, Guosheng, Song Danqing. Experimental study on the strength behaviors of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash using ultrasonic wave velocity tests. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2020, 11.1: 1581-1598.
[8] Xiang Guosheng, Ye Weimin. Swelling of bentonite-sand mixtures after long-term dissolution in alkaline solution [J]. Clays and clay minerals, 2020, 68(5): 491–498.
[9] Xiang Guosheng, Lv Liyong, Ge Lei. Simple method for evaluating swelling of Na-bentonite affected by temperature at osmotic swelling. Soils and Foundations, 2020, 60(5): 1312-1321.
[10] Xiang, Guosheng, Song Danqing. Investigated stress-strain relationships of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2020, 11.1: 2431–2448.
[11] Xiang Guosheng, Ye Weimin, Lv Liyong. Swelling characteristics of bentonite after long-term dissolution in alkaline solution. Clay Minerals, 2019, 54.4: 409-416.
[12] Xiang Guosheng, Ye Weimin, Yu Feng, Wang Yi, Fang Yuan. Surface fractal dimension of bentonite affected by long-term corrosion in alkaline solution. Applied Clay Science, 2019, 175: 94-101.
[13] Xiang Guosheng, Xu Yongfu, Yu Feng, Fang Yuan, Wang Yi. Prediction of swelling characteristics of compacted GMZ bentonite in salt solution incorporating ion-exchange reactions. Clays and clay minerals. 2019, 67(2): 161-167.
[14] Xiang Guosheng, Yu Feng, Xu Yongfu, Fang Yuan, Xie Shenghua. Prediction for swelling deformation of fractal-textured bentonite and its sand-mixtures in salt solution. Clay Minerals, 2019, 55(2): 161-167.